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New Student Guide
Welcome to CalArts! This is intended to be a quick reference guide ...
CalArts Single Sign-On (SSO): Intro & Guide
CalArts IT is pleased to debut our new 2-Factor Authentication system, CalArts SSO. This arti...
New Staff Guide
Welcome to CalArts! This is intended to be a quick reference guide ...
How Do I?: Use Zoom Phone
CalArts has adopted Zoom Phone as our new on-campus phone system! As part of this exciting move...
Accessing Tax Information and W-2's
Log into SSO Go to, provide your CalArts username and passwor...
How Do I: Get An Adobe Creative Cloud License?
Adobe is moving to account-based licensing instead of serial-based licensing. This means tha...
Faculty Laptop Program: Details & Signing Up
Technology Package for Regular and Technical Faculty Who’s Eligible?All Regular and Technical Fac...
HubTime: Time Entry, Time History, and Time Approval with Colleague Self-Service
HubTime is the electronic timesheet service where staff, faculty, and student employees ...
New Faculty Guide
Welcome to CalArts! Welcome to CalArts! This guide will help you set up your CalArts accounts...
CalArts Single Sign-On (SSO): Intro & Guide
CalArts IT is pleased to debut our new 2-Factor Authentication system, CalArts SSO. This articl...
How Do I: Update My Identity?
CalArts values each person and their individual identity. The Institute knows that students, f...
The Hub: Quickstart Guide
When this article was posted it included a section on resetting your password from the main l...
How Do I: Connect to On-Campus WiFi
This guide is specifically for connecting to the WiFi networks at CalArts’ Main ...
New Employee Timeline
The following timeline applies to all New Employees who will need access to SSO, Email and oth...
How Do I: Setup Skylight (VPN) on a Mac?
This article assumes that you have completed the Duo Mobile setup of Two Factor Authenticatio...
How Do I: Setup Skylight (VPN) with Windows?
The Windows setup for Skylight (the CalArts VPN) is fairly straightforward. These instructio...
CalArts ID Cards
This article is for CalArts ID Cards only. CSSSA and Extended Studies Summer Animation ID card...
How Do I: Submit A Ticket?
Contacting IT has never been easier. Whether you're a Student, Faculty or Staff member, a par...
Get To Know Your CAIT Team
VP/CTO The Vice President for IT and Chief Technology Officer (CTO)...
CAIT Project Updates
If you are considering any new projects or technology purchases (software or har...
Acceptable Use Policy
Purpose California Institute of the Arts' (Institute) technology in...
2022.08.22: Unplanned Maintenance - Single Sign On (Quicklaunch)
UPDATE: 8/23 (2:00PM PST) CAIT is happy to report increased functionality for