Getting Started with UDOIT

Scanning a Course with UDOIT

When selected from the Canvas course menu, UDOIT will automatically scan a course once per day. You can scan a course multiple times per day by selecting the "Scan Now" button in the upper right corner.

The first time you access the tool, UDOIT will scan all of the content in your course. This full scan of the content may take a few minutes to complete. In subsequent uses of the tool, UDOIT will only scan new and updated content to complete the scanning process more efficiently.  

UDOIT Homepage

The UDOIT Home page provides: a summary of the issues found throughout your course, and an indication of any progress that's been made thus far. It also gives you shortcuts to dive in and start fixing your Canvas content.


The UDOIT Home page provides summary information to help you keep track of the number of issues that have been found, as well as how many have been addressed.

This summary is split into:

  • Content: Canvas content such as Pages, Assignments, Announcements, Discussions, Quizzes, HTML Files, and the Canvas Syllabus.
  • Files: Uploaded files such as Word Documents and PDFs. (Note: Individual image files are not included in UDOIT's File scan, as their accessibility considerations are handled within the Content pages.)



The Most Common Errors section identifies the accessibility errors that are appearing most frequently inside your course. These are issues that UDOIT can confidently determine need remediation to comply with accessibility standards.

You can click any of these links to be taken to a list of this type of error, to begin remediation easily within the UDOIT interface.



In the Most Common Suggestions area, you'll find issues that likely should be addressed for accessibility, but require human input.

Clicking these links will take you to a list of each instance where the suggestion applies. Then, you will be able to review these suggestions, make decisions accordingly. In some cases, you may be able to simply dismiss the suggestion if the content is already accessible. 

File Issues

With UDOIT Advantage, we bring the power of file remediation to UDOIT.

Under Most Common File Issues, you'll find links to remediate Word and PDF files that have been flagged as problematic.

Viewing these files through these links will group them by the type of issue the file has been flagged with. This can make for a nice workflow as you fix issues.

Ways to Get Started

In addition to clicking any of the "Most Common" links to view related instances, users can also choose how to interact with UDOIT by selecting any of the Ways to Get Started on the right.

Easiest to fix (Recommended Method) 
These are issues that can be quickly remediated by the user from within the UDOIT interface.

Errors only
This will bring up a list of all errors in the course, of all types.

All open issues
This will address everything in the course in one long list. We lovingly call this one "the firehose approach." It is suitable for your advanced users, but not preferable for those just getting started with the tool.

By issue type 
This is an extremely helpful workflow for faculty and content designers. They can focus in on one particular issue, for example, providing Alternative Text for images, and work through each instance of this issue that appears in their course.

Because they are dealing with the same type of issue over and over, without interruption, the cognitive load is reduced, and they become quickly familiar with the task at hand. We find users progress quickly through their remediations when addressing content in this manner.

By content type
This option allows you to work through all errors found within a typical type of content in Canvas. As a theoretical example, you could ensure that all of your Pages are accessible first, since you know your students will be viewing pages in Week 1, but perhaps won't be accessing Discussions, Assignments, or Quizzes until Week 2.

By impact type   
This option allows faculty and content designers to create "just in time" remediations for specific accommodation requests that may arise. Users can sort by the following issue types:

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Cognitive
  • Motor

If a faculty member learned of a student requiring visual accommodations joining their course, they could dial into the most effective remediations for that student first.

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