Faculty: Importing a Course Template

Canvas uses modules to organize course content to help organize the flow of the course, which can be by weeks, units, or a different organizational structure. Modules essentially create a one-directional linear flow of what students should do in a course.

What is a Course Template? 

Course templates are complete course designs available to import into a course site. A template may include placeholders for a home page, syllabus, content page, discussion, assignment, or quiz, to name a few elements.

Why use the CalArts Template? 

Using a course template helps reduce stress load, encourages growth, and helps you to design an engaging student experience by turning a blank course into a fill-in-the-blank course. Templates offer more benefits than just reducing development time and effort. They help break down complex content using visuals in a consistent format. Their intuitive layouts ensure that simplification is engaging and effective while still meeting accessibility standards.

Before You Import a Template

Keep in mind that when you import a template into a course, the template does not overwrite or replace existing content on Pages, Discussions, Quizzes, Modules, or Files. 

Warningimporting a template overwrites the course Navigation Settings and the content on the Syllabus in Canvas. Thus, if you have added content to the Syllabus in Canvas, you should copy and paste the content onto a Canvas page before importing a template. You can adjust the course navigation once the import is complete back to your original settings.

Import the Course Template from Commons

1. In Canvas, in the global navigation, click Commons.

Finding Calarts Template in Commons

2. In Commons, in the Search field, enter “Calarts Template.”

3. In the Template course tile, click the blue title.

4. Click Import/Download. On the right side of the screen, "Import into Canvas" sidebar will appear. Under Import into Canvas, select the course(s) into which you want to import the template. You can enter text in a field to narrow your search for the course you want to import the template into.

Importing Calarts Template

5. Click Import into Course. Allow a few minutes for the template to appear in your course.

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