Faculty - How Do I Submit Grades?

Please note that incomplete grades are to be used when a student has not finished course work due to special circumstances.   

The Registrar's Office has a specific form to fill out for Incomplete grades, the Incomplete Grade Contract (link).  Please enter an "I" (upper case i) grade in Self Service and complete the Hub Helper Incomplete Grade Contract to have the Incomplete grade recorded and confirmed.

Incomplete grades that are changed, once completed, will become part of a student’s permanent record, while blank grades filled in later are not.

This guide will go over how to successfully submit grades from Self Service. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Registar's office (registrar@calarts.edu) for assistance.

Submitting Grades

1. Log into Self Service through the Hub

You can access Self Service directly from the Hub! After signing into the Hub, click Self Service in the left hand menu.

You may be prompted to sign in again.

Self Service uses the same credentials as the Hub.

3. Submitting Grades

You will immediately see an overview of your roster. Click on the Final Grade tab.

You will see the Final Grade Column has a drop-down Menu for each Student. Select the grades for each of your students on your roster.

If the student never attended class, click on the Never Attended button and assign a NC grade.

After all the grades have been assigned, the system will update at 8am and 8pm to publish the final grades. You will have the ability to come back before these times to change your grades. You can toggle back to the Overview tab. Final grades are available to see at any time.

To return to your list of classes, click on Back to Courses at the top of the page.

That's It!

If you have any questions about how grading works, or if you have a specific question that is not covered in this tutorial please contact either the Registrar's Office (x7842) or the Provost's Office (x2124).


August 31, 4:48 PM - Initial Post

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