How Do I: Transfer Funds to Someone Else in PaperCut?

One of the most helpful features of PaperCut is the ability to transfer funds between accounts.  If you find yourself low on funds you a friend can send you an amount through the PaperCut system, even if they aren't on campus!

1. Log in to Your PaperCut Account

Navigate to and login to the page using your CalArts Credentials. This is the same login information you would normally use to get into the Hub or CASecure (the campus wireless network).

Log in to Your PaperCut Account

2. Click on Transfers

From the menu on the left, select Transfers. You will see your available credit and an area for you to enter the amount you'd like to transfer, to whom, and for what reason (the last part isn't required).

In the transfer to user textbox type in their CalArts Credentials username, which is usually the same as their email address, without the part.

Click Transfer.

3. Confirm Your New Balance

Once the payment has been sent, a confirmation message should show up near the top of the page. Naturally your available credit should now reflect your new balance.

Confirm Your New Balance

4. Check Transaction History

Select Transaction History from the menu on the right. Verify that the transaction successfully went through and confirm your new balance!

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