How Do I: Send an Attachment to my Students?

This guide is intended to illustrate the best method for CalArts Faculty to send their students a file, such as a syllabus, through the Hub.  It would be reasonable to assume you can add an attachment from the Hub itself, but it's a little more involved than that.  

Our recommended method is to use Google Drive, set the correct Sharing Settings, and email a link to the file (or files) that they need to have access to.

Upload to Google Drive

In this example I'm using a Mac, but the steps are essentially the same in Windows.

First thing's first: head to Google Drive in your CalArts email account.  

You can find Google Drive by clicking on the nine squares in the upper right hand corner of your CalArts email, or by going to

Once you're in Google Drive, click on the New button and click on File Upload.

Find your file that you want to upload, in my case it's called Syllabus.pdf, and click Open.

Set Sharing Settings

When it has finished uploading you should see a green check box in the lower right hand corner of the browser.  

Go ahead and click on your file -- in this case, it's Syllabus.pdf -- and Google Drive will open the file as a preview.

In the upper right hand corner click on the three vertical dots icon, then click on Share.

When the sharing settings window appears click on Get sharable link.

Then click on Anyone at CalArts Faculty and Staff with the link can view.

A small menu will appear, click on More...

Then click on On - Anyone with the link, and click Save.

You should now see a button that says Copy link, click that and the address will be copied on to your clipboard!

Send the E-mail in the Hub

Now go to the CalArts Hub and find the class you want to email.

  1. Click on WebAdvisor for Faculty (usually on the right hand side of the page)
  2. Click on Faculty Information
  3. Then click on Class Roster

Select the class section you want to email, then click on E-Mail these Students

You can choose whether you want to e-mail all your students or just those you select.  The default setting is to send an email to all students in that section.  Click the Submit button.

On the following page you can compose your message however you'd prefer.  Just make sure to paste the Google Drive address where you want it to go in the message.

Don't know how to paste from your clipboard?  Just right-click and select Paste or, if you like keyboard commands:

  • Mac: Command + V
  • Windows: CTRL + V

If everything went to plan you should now see your Google Drive link.  When you've finished composing the message click Submit and your email will be sent.

Assuming the Copy (CC) yourself option was checked (which it is by default) you'll be able to confirm that it was sent (and what it looks like) by checking your CalArts email!

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