How Do I: Install + Use the PaperCut Client?

Using the PaperCut Client on your personal computer is voluntary and not required to print at CalArts.  This is a self-contained application that does not affect your computer outside of it's own function.  


Instructions for Mac

Download the PaperCut App (client)

Click on the download link below for what is most appropriate for you:

Be sure to download the entire .zip file

We're going to be using the Student client in this article, but the process is the same for the Faculty and Staff

1. Unzip the Downloaded File

Depending on what browser you're using files might already be in their own folder ready to go.  

If you only see a .zip file, like in the window below, double-click the file and it will unpack everything into a folder of the same name, then move on to the next step!

2. Open the "cait_papercut_installer"

After the files have been unzipped you will see three files:

  • cait_papercut_installer
  • client-local-install
  • PCClient

We need to run the cait_papercut_installer.

If you try to run cait_papercut_installer by double clicking on it you will probably see the window below:

This is an Apple security feature called Gatekeeper. It's designed to protect your computer from applications downloaded from untrusted sources.  

You must control-click (or right-click) on client-local-install and click Open in order to run cait_papercut_installer.

You'll know it worked if you see the Open button.

Click Yes to allow the installation to complete.

(PCClient is the name of the PaperCut application as you'll see it in your Applications folder.)

3. That's it!

You will know that PaperCut is running if you see a P icon on your taskbar.  If you see this icon you're ready to print!

Instructions for PC

Using the PaperCut Client on your personal computer is voluntary and not required to print at CalArts. This is a self-contained application that does not affect your computer outside of it's own function.

Install the PaperCut App (Client)

1.) Download the PaperCut Client.

2.) Unzip the folder titled ""

3.)  In the unzipped folder, double click "client-local-install"

4.) Check "I accept the agreement" and click "Next."

Select "Local Install(For all Users)" if you are the only user on your computer, otherwise select "Local Install(My Account Only)" if you share your computer.

5.) Click "Install." Check "Launch client and verify my identity" and click "Finish".

6.) Enter your CalArts credentials. You should see your current balance in the PaperCut application.

A Note on DNS Names

Before you add the printer to your computer, you will need to know its correct DNS name. For a list of printers and drivers please click here. Note that the DNS will be second part of the address path (see below for an example.)

Make sure you are on campus and connected to CASecure before continuing to the next step, or you will not be able to connect to the printer.

Here are some DNS name examples:

After Installation

1. Login to PaperCut

You can either right-click on the PaperCut icon to login, or send a print job to a PaperCut printer.  Either one will prompt you for a login.


PaperCut uses your CalArts Credentials, which is the same username and password you use for the Hub.

The Remember dropdown menu lets you select when, or if, you want the program to log you out of PaperCut.  

  • Always remembers your credentials until someone else logs in to the computer.
  • Until I Log Out remembers your credentials until you log out of the computer.
  • Other options remember your credentials for a certain period of time, like 1, 5, 10, or 60 minutes.

2. Check your Balance

After logging in you will see your current PaperCut balance in the upper right hand corner.  As you print to different printers this balance will adjust depending on the cost of each print job.

If you need to add funds to your PaperCut account check out this article: How Do I: Add Funds to PaperCut?

3. Test Print

Once you have a PaperCut printer on your computer you should do a test print to make sure everything is working.

In my case I'm printing to the Library-BW printer.

After I click the Print button a confirmation window appears.  It shows the Document Name, the printer I'm printing to, how many pages (and if they contain color), and the total Cost of that job.  

In my case I have access to some Shared Accounts, so the client asks me if I want to charge this to my personal account, or one of the shared accounts I have access to.

Once everything looks good I can Print and the job gets sent to the printer.  In the Library I would then have to log into a Print Release station to make my document print.  Some printers around campus don't have Release Stations and print directly to the printer.

Any costs associated with a print job are not charged until the document physically prints.

That's It!

Remember that when you restart your computer PaperCut will not start automatically.  You can either run it manually or add it to your Login Items.  Regardless of how you choose to do it this is what it looks like in your Applications Folder:


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