Changes to FTP Access for On-Campus Websites

On Monday, February 29th, we are changing the connection method to on-campus hosted websites.  You are currently using the FTP protocol to upload files.  This will stop working after February 29th.

If you need to access your website files after February 29th, 2016, you will need to switch from FTP to FTP with TSL/SSL.  

This guide is written using the FTP program Fetch for Mac OS X, but the verbiage should be universal throughout most, if not all, FTP programs.  If you have any trouble at all please don't hesitate to contact IT and we'll be happy to lend a hand!

1. Open your FTP client

In our example we are using Fetch as our FTP client. However, the settings in any other FTP client should be very similar.

Open your FTP client

2. Check connection protocol

Select FTP with TLS/SSL (or FTPS depending on your program).  Your username and password will be exactly as they were before.

Keep in mind that SFTP and FTPS are two completely different things.  SFTP is not enabled and will not work.

Check connection protocol

3. Test Connection

Once the protocol has been set to FTP with TLS/SSL (or FTPS, depending on your program) try and connect to your website.  

It should work exactly as it did before.  If you get any kind of error please send us a ticket and we'll take a look.  If you connect successfully then you're all done!

Test Connection
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