Finding Your Course Site

Log in to Canvas

  1. Launch a supported browser.
  2. Enter in the URL address bar.
  3. Type your CalArts Login ID and Password.
  4. If necessary, verify your account with Multi-factor Authentication.
  5. Click on the Canvas tile, and it will take you to the Canvas Dashboard

Set Up Your Profile & Customize Notifications

Set up your profile to establish your presence and make it easier for students or colleagues to find you. You can configure your display name, profile picture, personal pronouns, time zone, and default email address. 

You can also customize your notifications to make sure you are receiving Canvas messages. 

View Course Sites from the Dashboard

The Dashboard is the first thing a person sees when they log in to Canvas. 

Instructors will see the Dashboard divided into Published Courses and Unpublished Courses.​ The Unpublished Courses section will contain courses sites available for editing. By default, the Dashboard displays up to 20 course cards. Course cards represent courses, and these cards are customizable.​

Canvas Dashboard

Can't Find a Course?

Click the Courses button in the blue Global Navigation menu on the left to view more than 20 courses. If you still cannot find a course you expect to see, please open a ticket with CAIT. 

Open a Course Card

Once you've located your course site, click on a course card to begin adding content.

Example of a Course Card
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