How Do I: Search and Register for Course Sections?

How to Search and Register for Course Sections

Search for Course Sections

  1. Go to the CalArts online registration system (WebAdviser) at your scheduled time; (CAIT recommends using Firefox for optimum functionality of this site).

  2. Log in with your username (without the, and password (CalArts credentials). If you are unable to log in, go to and click on How Do I: Reset my CalArts Credentials

  3. Once you are logged in, click on Students (the navy blue button on the right). This will open the Student Menu, which you can return to at any time using the menu tab on the top of the page.

  4. Under the Registration heading on the main menu, select Register for Sections.

  5. Once in the Register for Sections area, select Search and Register for Sections.

  6. Enter your search criteria. Please note that you must include at least 3 criteria:

    • term (e.g., Fall 2014)

    • academic level (undergraduate, graduate, doctorate)

    • subject(s)

  7. Your search should return a list of potential section matches. You can then click on the Section Title link for more information. This will open a new window where you can verify meeting days and times, prerequisites, and course description, including registration restrictions and co-requisites. Please note that an (r) at the end of the course title indicates registration restrictions.

  8. Close the Section Title window to go back to the list of section search results.

Register for Course Sections

  1. Once you have found the course sections you want to add to your schedule, check the box in the "select" column to the left of each section, and then click "submit" at the bottom of the page. This will open the Register and Drop Sections page (to search and add additional sections, you can return to the Register for Sections page by selecting the Student Menu, or by using your back button).

  2. To register for the sections on your list, use the drop-down menu in the Action column and select "Register" for each course, then click "Submit" at the bottom of the page. You will receive a "Registration Results" page showing all the sections for which you are registered. Any errors that have prevented you from registering will appear at the top of the page in red.

  3. Finally, you should always verify your final schedule. Return to the Student Menu, and under Academic Profile, select My Class Schedule; select the term, and then click OK.

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