How Do I: Access My Reviews?

Student Reviews are available through HubHelper.  Follow these quick steps to find out how to find your reviews!  Please keep in mind that reviews are available only after your Dean has given his or her approval.  If you are not seeing reviews that you are expecting please ask your Mentor or School Office.

We're using Firefox on a Mac for this guide, but the process should be pretty much the same regardless of what browser or device you want to use.

1. Login to the Hub

Open your browser and go to and use your Hub Credentials to login.

Login to the Hub

2. Click on HubHelper

The HubHelper button is on the right hand side next to your Calendar in the Hub.

Click on HubHelper

3. Login to HubHelper

You will need to login to HubHelper using your Hub Credentials again.  

We are working on eliminating this step, but it's necessary for the time being.

Login to HubHelper

4. Select Student Review/Reports

5. Click on any Reviews listed

You will only see reviews that have been approved by your Dean.  If you're expecting to see a review that is missing please see your Mentor or school office!

The Mentor Report below is heavily blurred for privacy purposes and is used to illustrate the general layout of a review/report.

Click on any Reviews listed
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