What types of files does UDOIT scan?
UDOIT is built to scan and create alternate formats for Word (DOC, DOCX) and PDF files.
You may also request file conversions for PowerPoint and Excel files; however, the tool isn't built for those conversions. Results may vary.
Who owns the remediated Files and Pages?
You! Cidilabs does not store your files or pages on our server. Once an alternate file format has been requested, it will be stored in your course and it is yours to keep forever!
Can UDOIT Advantage fix flatbed scans of book pages?
Yes! UDOIT Advantage integrates with one of the premier accessibility partners, ABBYY FineReader, to provide an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) scan of your flatbed scanned text documents.
In the Files section, how do I know what is an original upload and which is “optimized”?
Every file that UDOIT Advantage creates is stored in an "Alternate Files" folder in Canvas Files. The file name will consist of the original file name_extension, followed by the new file type extension.
Can UDOIT Advantage scan linked Google Docs?
No, but as a workaround, clients can download the file from Google, upload it into Canvas, scan and remediate the file, replace the original file on their Google drive with the remediated one, and then use that file moving forward.
Does UDOIT Advantage check quiz questions or quiz bank questions?
At this time it is not possible for UDOIT to check quiz questions or question banks, but it does check quiz descriptions.
Why does the issue count change when I save or manually resolve an issue?
It may be confusing when the issue count at the bottom of the UFIXIT modal jumps around when an issue is fixed or manually resolved. But there's actually a good reason for that. When an issue is fixed with UFIXIT or manually resolved a few things happen:
- The HTML is updated for the content in the LMS.
- The issue status is updated to "fixed" in UDOIT.
- The content item is re-scanned for issues that may have also been resolved by the latest change.
While we try to keep everything as much the same as possible, these changes may cause the list of issues to be reordered a bit. So your list of 50 issues may shrink to 48 if your recently fixed issue also resolved two other issues. Or your current issue may jump from "Issue 10 of 40" to "Issue 9 of 39" if another issue was resolved with your latest change.
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