Self Service - Setting Personal Information

All Students, Faculty, and Staff can use Self-Service to update and/or confirm their Personal Information and Emergency Contacts. Students are required to complete these steps and accept Required Agreements before they register for classes. In this section, we'll go over Personal Information.

When you first log into Self-Service, your information will already be present. Look it over and if everything is correct, hit the "Confirm" button.

You'll see "Last Confirmed On" date change to confirm.

Confirm your address, phone number, and email address. For most students, that's it! If you need to add or edit the information, see the section below.

Adding and Editing Personal Information

In this section, we'll go over setting your home address and personal contact information. Students must complete all sections before they can register for classes.

First, we'll log in at SSO.CalArts.Edu and head to Self Service.

Inside Self Service, you may be asked to enter your Username again.

Next, click on your username in the top right-hand corner of the screen, and hit User Profile.

On this screen, we'll first add your home address. This is where mail will be sent when you're not on campus, including billing and administrative notices.

Click on the Pencil icon under the "Remove or Edit" column to add your address. Enter your postal information and click "Update Address".

Below that, we'll add a personal email address and a phone number. While your CalArts email will be the main way for the institute, co-workers, instructors, or fellow students to contact you, this should be the next best way to get in touch with you.

Click to add a new Email and Phone, or hit the Pencil icon to edit an existing one. Then hit "Confirm" above.

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