CAIT Newsletter - Fall 2023

Updates from CAIT

New Storage: FileCloud

Access all your files on all your devices: FileCloud

We are excited to announce that a new on campus, high-capacity storage solution (FileCloud) will be available soon. 

In response to Google’s imposition of new storage limits for Google Drive, CAIT will be supplementing Google Drive storage with FileCloud. FileCloud will be accessible from anywhere via the web and other options whether on computer or mobile. All users (faculty, staff, and students) will start off with 1TB personal storage.

Look out for more information coming soon! 

Google Drive Limits

Google Drive logo

Beginning in January 2024, Google will be enforcing a limit on how much faculty, staff, and students can store in Drive. We have already taken measures to decrease our consumption but still need your help! Check your inbox for more information on the need to move documents to FileCloud!

Canvas and CopyLeaks

Screenshot of CopyLeaks and a Fall 2023 Canvas Workshops schedule

Copyleaks, an originality detector, is now available through Canvas. Copyleaks checks for AI content and accidental plagiarism. A comprehensive similarity report for every assignment can be generated, helping students become more aware of what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it. Always make sure to talk with your students to confirm results.

The Canvas train keeps rolling - new workshops are offered this Fall to help you become expert users. Look out for more workshop announcements later in the term on important topics such as Generative AI!

Hub Helper Upcoming Changes

Screenshot of Hub Helper menu

As part of ongoing efforts to improve our systems, we have been working hard to update Hub Helper and, as a result, it is now running on a new server. Many improvements have been made to some of the tools hosted on Hub Helper such as Mentor Reports and the Account Provisioning tool. CAIT has reached out to stakeholders to evaluate usage in order to clean up unused tiles and move certain forms and reports to more functional alternatives such as Self-Service and Informer.

Single Sign-On for Zoom

Single Sign-On Sign In screen

As part of ongoing efforts to move more and more services behind our Single Sign-On (SSO) portal and improve security and user experience, Zoom will soon be configured for SSO. The SSO portal will have a new Zoom tile and you should see the familiar blue “Sign in” page when trying to log in to Zoom.


Picture of a lock

As always, we want to remind you of cybersecurity and data privacy efforts. Keep an eye out for more training coming your way, enhancements to our systems (including a new Guest WiFi network) and major infrastructure upgrades.

As always, never click on links in emails that you aren’t sure about and don’t share your password with others (even CAIT). Be cyber aware! Be safe!

Newly Completed Projects

New Email Domain for Students

A drawing of a computer handing an envelope to a student

Starting this fall, incoming students will have a new email address. Returning students (and alumnx) will retain the addresses, but we’ll be transitioning to the new system with each entering year. Make sure to double check what address you’re writing when contacting students or consider using messaging within Canvas.

Widgets in the Hub!

Screenshot of the Hub

We (CAIT, in conjunction with Communications) continue to work on enhancing everyone’s experience on the Hub. We have recently added 3 new widgets, check them out and spread the word to your students!

  • Canvas widget gives students and instructors a quick look at their Canvas courses and a quick link to open Canvas for more details. It also shows upcoming assignments, announcements, and grades.

  • An Academic Profile widget allows students to quickly look at their métier and anticipated graduation date, while also providing quick links to Self Service for their academic records and to the academic calendar for important dates and deadlines. 

  • Student Finances widget provides quick links to information on students’ current bill and payment, meal plan, and health insurance options.

Coursedog Events

Screenshot of an event request form

Got an event coming up? Or perhaps a meeting that needs a Zoom Room? Use Coursedog Events, our new event scheduling tool. Meant to unify and streamline the experience for requesters and make sure all approvers are included in the workflow, Coursedog Events supports these types of events:

  • Student Special Event/Live Performance

  • General Meeting

Look out for more information on the Hub!

Reminders from CAIT

Stay Safe Online

Flier with tips on how to keep your information safe online

CAIT takes your data security and privacy seriously and we continue our efforts to improve our operations and policies. We wish to remind you of the importance of password management and the ways to check whether your email or phone has already been part of a data breach.

Despite its humorous name, Have I Been Pwned is a powerful tool for awareness of your digital footprint. As your phone number or email address may have been part of a past breach, it is important to ensure that you are managing your passwords by using unique passwords and strong passphrases where you can.

In order to make unique passwords more manageable, we urge you to consider using a password manager. Software solutions include 1Password (which CAIT uses internally) or ones built into your browser or operating system.

Have more questions? Submit a request


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