How Do I: Request a Projector & Screen?

The IT department has a limited number of projectors available for checkout, and a single screen that can be used.  We have found that, in most rooms, projecting on a wall is the more effective solution.  IT projectors are only available for Staff, however, as Faculty can utilize Library Film Services to reserve projector carts and screens for instruction.


You will need to reserve your projector cart as far in advance as possible by calling the Film Services Library at x7886.  Film Services projectors are available expressly for instructional use.


All you need to do is send us a ticket.  Simply tell us what room the meeting is in and what time it begins and we'll handle the rest.  If a projector is available we'll reserve it and take care of the setup and removal!


About the CAIT projector screen:


EPSON ES3000 80" Projector Screen--


EPSON Powerlite 935W--





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