Faculty: How to use the Online Grade Change form

Where is the Online Grade Change form?

The Online Grade Change is housed in HubHelper you can get there one of two ways:

  • Log on to the Hub, then click on HubHelper in the upper right hand corner.
  • Go straight to https://hubhelper.calarts.edu and login with your CalArts Credentials!

Once you're in Hub Helper click on the icon that says Online Grade Changes (or the Apps button at the top of the screen and you'll see it in the drop-down menu)

When should I use it?

The Online Grade Change form is used in two situations:

  1. You want to change a grade that has already been submitted for a student.
  2. The grading period has closed and you need to submit your initial grades.
The Online Grade Changes Dashboard

After clicking on the Online Grade Change Form icon, you will be brought to the dashboard. By default, you will see all New or Pending grade changes you have previously submitted. There are also tabs to see any Approved or Denied requests and a tab to see All grade change requests.

To get details about a grade change request, simply click on the request, and a pop-up box will display the details for that particular request.

Submitting a New Grade Change
  • If you are changing an already submitted grade for a student please fill out as many of the text fields as you have information for.  If the Registrar's Office needs any clarification, or as a question, they will contact you.
  • If you're submitting your initial grades for a class, complete each area of the form. In the Original Grade field, enter NG (No Grade) (since there isn't an original grade).  There is not, unfortunately, a method to submit all your grades at once.  This process submits the grades for one student at a time.
  • You must click validate on the Student ID and Course Number sections to ensure the information entered is valid. The fields below will populate with the information linked to those numbers.
  • Make sure you check the confirmation box before clicking Submit.
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