Faculty: Communications


Faculty can manage course communications. This section provides an introduction on how to:

  • View a list of users in a course, student group pages
  • View course announcements
  • Send messages to other course users and to all members of a course

View a list of users, student group pages

The People page shows all students enrolled in the course.

How do I use the People page in a course as an instructor?

View Course Announcements

Announcements communicate course information to students. You can remind students of upcoming coursework, share resources, or celebrate student success.

On the course Home page, click on the New Announcements button to get started.

How do I show recent announcements in the Course Home Page?

Send Course Announcements

You can create an announcement to share important information with all users within your course and with users in sections of a course. In your notification preferences, you can choose to receive notifications for announcements created by you as well as replies to announcements you have created.

How do I add an announcement in a course?

How do I attach a file to an announcement in a course?

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