The following steps are only for Students
This guide will go over the steps for setting up the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app and installing Adobe programs.
Download and Launch the Adobe Creative Cloud

You can download the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App here. Once installed, open up the application.
If you're using a loaner laptop managed by CalArts IT, check your installed applications. The Creative Cloud desktop app should already be installed. If you don't see it, let us know.
All CalArts IT-supported computers will have a Property of CALARTS sticker on it.
Signing into the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App
Upon launching the Creative Cloud for desktop app, the icon will either be on the top-right menu bar (on a Mac) or the on the taskbar, inside of the system tray (on a Windows PC). Both pictured below.

If you click on it, you will be brought to an Adobe Sign in page.

Whether you've ever created an account or not, choose Continue with Google and enter your CalArts email address and password in the subsequent browser windows.

Next, choose one of the following options:

If your sign-in is successful, you'll see something similar to the image above.
If you're ever prompted by Adobe to enter a password, your Adobe ID password is the same as your CalArts email password.
Click here to continue the installation process.
After entering your CalArts email address and clicking either Sign in or pressing the Enter key on your keyboard, you should be redirected to a screen that allows you to choose whether to sign in using your Personal account or your Company or school account.

Choose Enterprise ID -- Company or school account

If your sign-in is successful, you'll see something similar to the image above.
If you're ever prompted to enter a password, your Enterprise Adobe ID password is the same as your CalArts email password.
Your Personal Adobe ID password will remain unchanged.
Using the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App
The Creative Cloud for desktop app allows you to quickly install, launch, and update your desktop apps stored in Creative Cloud.
Downloading Apps

Depending on whether or not you've previously installed any Adobe apps on your computer, you'll either have options to install new applications or update the existing versions of your current applications.
Using Photoshop as an example:

Once installed, you will be able to access your downloaded application through your Applications folder/list or also through the Creative Cloud for desktop app.
For more information on more features of the Adobe Creative Cloud for desktop app, click here.

If you see the notice above, check to make sure you entered your CalArts email address and password correctly in the Google login screen. If you've entered your CalArts email address and password correctly and you still receive this error, let us know here.
Additional Questions?
If you have any additional questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at or by phone at (661)253-7887.
September 9th, 2020 3:57 PM - Initial Post
Revised July 19, 2021 10:30 AM
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