This guide illustrates how to log into the CAIT website, allowing you to see your Open, Pending, On Hold, or Closed (historical) tickets, as well as articles that relate to you as a CalArtian!

When signing-in make sure to click on Sign in with Google using your CalArts email account.
If you did not use an or email account to send in your tickets then select whichever service and account that is most relevant. Regardless of your method the Username and Password on the right hand side will not work.
Viewing Your Tickets

To see the status of recent or closed tickets, click on your username (in the top right corner) and click on My activities from the dropdown menu.

You can search through your tickets by keyword, view them by Status, and even see what tickets you are CC'd on! There are three statuses you might see on:
Open - Your ticket is currently being attended to by our CAIT staff
Awating your reply - We are awaiting a response from you
Solved - The ticket has been resolved.
Click on the title of the ticket to expand for details. From there you can submit a new ticket or update the status of a closed or current ticket.
That's (basically) it!
If you need to reset your CalArts email password (if you don't have access to your account) all you need to do is submit an IT ticket.
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