CalArts ID Cards

This article is for CalArts ID Cards only. CSSSA and Extended Studies Summer Animation ID cards will not have the same appearance or functionality.

What is a CalArts ID Card?

  • Your CalArts ID is your official CalArts identification card. This card has your ID#, validation sticker (on the back), barcode, and magstripe for access to secured rooms.

Staff/Faculty Card:

Student Card:

How Can I Use My CalArts ID Card?

  • Library Checkouts: The Library uses the CalArts ID barcode in its database.  If you happen to lose your ID card and a new one is printed, you will need to register the new barcode in order to have access. Students, Faculty and Staff can also register for a My Library Account (through using this same barcode number.  That account allows for off-campus so that they have remote access to the library databases and are able to order items via interlibrary loan from home. It is required for the patron to have either their CalArts ID or a government issued picture ID to circulate library materials.
  • Security Access: In some cases your CalArts ID is used for security access via card swipe system. Your ID is swiped and is then followed by your 4 digit PIN in order to gain access to specific areas within CalArts.
  • Meal Plans: If you are on a meal plan your CalArts ID is also used to purchase meals in the Cafe. 
  • Flex dollars: Money added onto your CalArts ID that can be spent (tax free) at the Cafe or Tatum Lounge. Flex dollars can be purchased at the cashier window in Accounting.

Where do I get a CalArts ID Card?

  • The Facilities Management team is able to create CalArts IDs for Students, Staff and Faculty. After-hours prints can be picked up from the Campus Safety Office.

Can I Upload A Picture for my ID Card?

  • You should receive an invite once you arrive to upload a picture of yourself for the ID Card system. Check your CalArts email inbox for the subject: "CalArts ID - Please Upload a Photo"

If you did not get an email or your invite expired, visit to upload a photo.

You will have to use your CalArts email address to sign in.

Lost or Stolen CalArts ID Card?

  • If your ID card has been lost or stolen please check with Campus Safety to see if is has been found or retrieved by someone. If you are unable to locate your ID we recommend going through the Registrar's Office to have them issue you a new ID card. Be sure to register your new ID with any existing meal plans or Library accounts that might have been active on your previous card.
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