CalArts IT is pleased to debut our new 2-Factor Authentication system, CalArts SSO. This article will cover what you will use it for, how it works, and why we are making the change. The CAIT team is here to help so please reach out to us if you have questions or need assistance.
Contact us by Email: or by Phone: 661-253-7887
CalArts SSO is live and you will no longer be able to log in to Colleague, Self Service, or CalArts email directly. To access these applications please log in at with your CalArts credentials and then select your desired application from My Apps.
Table of Contents
What is CalArts SSO and why is it being implemented?
Essentially, CalArts Single Sign-On (SSO) lets you sign in to all of your CalArts applications with one username and password. Once authenticated to CalArts SSO, you just click on your desired application and are automatically logged in.
CalArts SSO utilizes a more secure means of authenticating. This extra layer of security is accomplished through a second form of authentication in addition to a password. This is referred to as 2-factor authentication and it has become the industry standard.
We are pivoting to this system for three simple reasons: enhanced security and privacy, functionality and better user support.
- Security - 2-factor authentication adds another layer of security on top of your password which can be cracked or stolen. When logging in, after entering your password you will be prompted for a second authentication method to verify your identity. You may choose to do this by having a verification code sent to you via text or email or by answering some security questions. We have also enabled Google Authenticator for those who use it.
You will not be prompted for the second form of authentication on every login if you check the "remember device" box. While you will be prompted the first time you log in with a new device, it will only be required for "suspicious" logins afterwords. For example, if you log in from CalArts campus at 3:00PM and then from central Florida at 3:05PM, you would be asked to verify your identity using the second form of authentication.
- Functionality - CalArts SSO will centralize authentication to all things CalArts. Once integrated, you will log in to CalArts SSO for access to your CalArts email account, Self Service, and Colleague. This also means that users will no longer have to use a separate password for their CalArts email account. Additional applications will be added to CalArts SSO over time such as The Hub, Learn, and others.
Once signed in to your CalArts email you will be able to switch over to your other Google Applications (Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sheets, etc.)
For Colleague users - If you are accessing Colleague away from the campus network you will still need to connect to the VPN first as usual.
- User Support - CalArts SSO will allow users to reset their own password, connect to single sign-on services with one click, and have better control over their security preferences. With our old system, users had to locate an offsite link to reset their passwords for applications like The Hub and Self Service. They also needed to contact CAIT in order to have their email passwords reset. Once CalArts SSO has launched, users can simply select "forgot password" from the login screen.
Getting Started
If you have never used your CalArts credentials to sign in to any applications, skip ahead to New to CalArts. If you have signed in to applications using your CalArts credentials in the past, but you have never signed into CalArts SSO, this section is for you.
Head on over to CalArts SSO:
Enter your CalArts credentials. The username and password will be the same as the ones you use for the Hub, Hub Time, and Self Service. You will not be able to sign in with your email credentials.

Enter your password a second time and hit Sign in.

You will be taken to an Account Recovery Settings page (you will not be directed to this page the next time you log in).
Choose three recovery questions. These are required for you to be able to recover your account if your password is forgotten.
Next, you must add at least one additional authentication method, either email or phone number. You are encouraged to enter both. We have also enabled Google Authenticator for those who use it.
To set up a recovery email (separate from your CalArts email account) select the Email Recovery tab and enter your address and then hit Verify. Enter the confirmation code sent to your email.
To set up your phone select the Phone Recovery tab. Select your country and enter your phone number. Hit verify and then enter the code sent to your phone.
If you have the Google Authenticator you can select the Authenticator tab and hit get started to register it with CalArts SSO
Select next and you will see a QR code that you can scan with your phone. Scan the code by opening your Google Authenticator mobile app and hitting the plus sign in the bottom right corner.
Setup is complete! From here you can click on "Go to My Apps" on the bottom right to access your CalArts applications.

Welcome to CalArts SSO! This is where all your apps and services will be listed. New ones will arrive here as they're added.
If you are new to CalArts and were given a temporary password this section is for you.
Head on over to CalArts SSO:
Enter your username and the password provided to you and hit Sign in.

Enter your password a second time and hit Sign in.

You will be taken to an Account Recovery Settings page (you will not be directed to this page the next time you log in).
Choose three recovery questions. These are required for you to be able to recover your account if your password is forgotten.
Next, you must add at least one additional authentication method, either email or phone number. You are encouraged to enter both. We have also enabled Goolge Authenticator for those who use it.
To set up a recovery email (separate from your CalArts email account) select the Email Recovery tab and enter your address and then hit Verify. Enter the confirmation code sent to your email.
To set up your phone select the Phone Recovery tab. Select your country and enter your phone number. Hit verify and then enter the code sent to your phone.
If you have the Google Authenticator you can select the Authenticator tab and hit get started to register it with CalArts SSO
Select next and you will see a QR code that you can scan with your phone. Scan the code by opening your Google Authenticator mobile app and hitting the plus sign in the bottom right corner.
Account Recovery Setup is complete! From here you can click on "Go to My Apps".

Before moving on to accessing your applications you will want to change your password to one of your choosing. Click on your username at the top right of the page.
Select Change Password.

You will be prompted to re-enter your current password.

Next, enter in your current password and then what you'd like to change it to. Keep in mind, passwords must be between 8-20 characters long, include one letter, one number, and one special character (!@#$%^&*).

You are all set! Click on your username again and select My Apps.

You can now click on any of the available buttons to launch your CalArts applications.
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